Are you uncomfortable yet?

This is a question I ask when I go to speak for trafficking awareness and domestic abuse issues. We live in a society that is comfortable staying silent or turning the other way, “it's not my issue” is their mindset. How long will this world be stuck in that mindset? Staying comfortable does not cause change, it is truly when we step out of the comfort zone and say I want to do something about this. Getting uncomfortable in a world that is oversensitive to making everyone else feel safe and not offending anyone is necessary if we want to see change. Will you find it in your heart to be uncomfortable, to stand up and be the voice that speaks out when everyone else wants to stay silent.

What if I told you lives are waiting for you to get uncomfortable? Yes, I said lives are waiting. While we are sitting in comfort there are thousands of children, men and woman that are being taken into human slavery every day. Sold at a price, not knowing what the next day will bring, chained by the worlds needs and objectified. Taken away from their families or as I experienced being violated and trafficked by the very people that were supposed to protect me. Does that sound comfortable to you? I challenge people if they were in that position would they stay silent...if they knew someone going through it would they look the other way...most of would say absolutely not I would do something. Can I be real with you and shake things up a bit? What if I told you doing nothing, saying nothing when you know and have been awakened to the problem, becomes part of the problem and not the solution. Does this bother you in any way, what I am saying I hope it does. Too many are still out there in uncomfortable situations because we are stuck in living in the comfort of silence and looking the other way.

Are you ready to get uncomfortable and take action? What can you do? There are multiple organizations out there that need your help to bring these victims home to a safe place. It doesn’t always have to a huge action, it could be something as simple as raising awareness on social media, getting more educated about it and letting people come in and share how you can help in this community. Another way is giving to organizations that have a heart to want to see change. There are multiple ways of being a voice, but you have to risk getting uncomfortable in this world that is set on living in comfort and staying silent. Will you stay comfortable or will you stand up and be a voice with the actions you take to help. I believe if we each do our part and take action, we can be the difference in someone's life we may never even meet. We could be a voice of hope. What will you do to get uncomfortable today, it starts with one person to step up and step out and watch what happens, you could be the change this world needs. When you step out it saying to the survivor, I see you, I hear you and we will fight to help you be free. Please step out of comfort zone and take action today.


Red Sea Road
