
“ As a survivor I struggle with severe PTSD and also still struggle with what they call “survival mentality”. Recently a storm in my life hit that triggered that mentality and put me back into hopelessness and despair. Everything was coming at me all at once and just as my light was dimming so was my hope. 

That same week my lamp had literally shattered in my living room. It was the only light we had, I say we because I’m a single mother and my son lives with me. I had no funds to replace it as that was one of the storms sent in my life, no funds coming in. My light shattered, my car was broken into and needing repair. 

But God! In the darkest moments while I sat in darkness, I cried tears of despair and hopelessness. As the light inside of me became dimmer by the minute along with my hope, there was a text from a friend with a word of encouragement and prayers. The words that helped me grip onto hope and not despair. The very moment I though there is no hope, that life will always be like this so I might as well quit. Little did she know the words she texted gave me hope, the simple words from heart and prayers can be a light when all seems dark in another’s life. 

Never underestimate the simplicity of that. I gripped onto those words and prayers with all I had to keep fighting, to keep praying, to keep living - to know it won’t always be like this. Not only was she being a light in my life but she replaced the physical lighting in my living room so I no longer had to sit in darkness. In both aspects spiritually and physically she brought light back into the darkness I was living in. You see, this angel I’m talking about is Stephanie Page, and Ana Lena also texted me and said my lamps were ready to pick up that they had ordered. They are an amazing team!

I’m giving this testimony today not so you feel bad for me, I’m giving this testimony so you see the heart behind the scenes of Stories Foundation, they genuinely care and put their heart and time into caring. I am only one of many that struggle in dark times and there are many more out there that haven’t gotten out of it, they haven’t seen the light of hope yet. 

When you help Stories Foundation you are being a light of hope for those out there who haven’t been reached. Stories Foundation is about coming alongside and being the light, being the hope, giving survivors hope, healing and purpose again. 

Storyteller Cafe will be a difference maker for so many! No matter how big or small the donation, you can be a difference maker! Go to storytellercafemn.org and be a difference maker! Educate yourself, grab a mug and join the coffee club (www.storiesfoundation.org). Grab a shirt that can cause conversation. Donate to Storyteller Cafe so other survivors can be employed and know there is other options out there then where they have been! 

Together you can be a difference maker! From a survivor I say thank you, you are helping others that need the same hope. Give hope today! "

-- Tiffany Jacobsen

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