Red Sea Road

Exodus 14:14” The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still”

This morning I walked into work with my own personal war or (Red Sea Road) a song the team felt led to listen to after I finished reading my devotional to them. Song is written by Elle Holcomb, who wrote the devotional “Fighting Words” she is also a Christian musician. The devotional was based on Moses leading the people out of the wilderness into the Promised Land. Before they could cross the Red Sea there were doubts in the people, there was fear, and there were many questions as to why they journeyed this far to begin with in faith. Right before the Promised Land, there was a huge and what seemed to be an impossibility of being free of crossing over. When they began the journey led into faith, they were getting closer, there were definite hardships on the way. They were losing faith along this journey, yet they still pushed on.

Isn't that how it is? We get encouraged into a promise God has shown us. We are all prayed up and start taking those steps of faith. The first few weeks we are pumped up, and we continue on our journey. But then life circumstances happen. We face our Red Sea moment. All of our uncertainties of life come rushing in as big as the waves crashing in at us. Doubt starts to creep in, and the steps we took forward are slowly fade back without us even noticing. That goal and promise that seemed obtainable slowly fades into the impossible on life's terms. We flood ourselves with the Red Sea standing in front of us with fear and doubt, and we forget about the faith we began with and the promise that HE had given us. When we are at the end of that trail and journey before the Red Sea, our faith, strength, energy and hope, our will to go on are gone. We stand hopeless and empty. We allowed our fear to drown out our faith. 

These are the moments we need to remind ourselves of his truth. When we are weak, HE is our strength. He comforts us in the midst of our fears and lack of faith; when we can't fight on anymore. He reminds us to be still and let him fight this battle for us. This is not our burden to carry. Suddenly, when he comforts us through these moments, the Red Sea starts to part. Once we start seeing the Sea part it awakes our hearts to stand up and keep moving forward in faith as he parts it ahead to make room for that Red Dirt Road to HIS promise. We need to trust him in every step we take, even if we can't see what is ahead amongst the waves of the Red Sea as they part. When we keep our eyes on HIM, our hearts are filled with courage and faith to move forward to step into that Red Dirt Road that leads to the Promised Land he has just for us. So, I want to encourage you today as a living testimony. I walked into a Red Sea moment this weekend and I surrendered it all to HIM. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I had to trust him and on the other end HE was fighting for me, in the tears, in the weariness, and on the third day the promise was on the other side and things are beginning to look up.

Don’t quit when the waves come crashing in, surrender it to him, and then watch what he can do when he paves that Red Dirt Road for you. There is hope ahead.


Something to Fight For


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