Something to Fight For

What are you willing to fight for?

Do I mean a physical fight, absolutely not, I am talking about what brings you to a place where you are willing to fight for someone that is hurting or something that you know is wrong. What does it take for us to start getting out of our comfort zone and start fighting back?

We live in a broken society where everyone is living in comfort and afraid to voice their opinion for fear of offending someone. We are living in so much fear of the opinion of others that we would rather sit in comfort and do nothing while there are so many that are living in uncomfortable situations. We need to be people that stand up and fight for what’s right and start maybe offending some people.

For too many years the system has been broken, where there are children being abused and trafficked and people look the other way because “it is not their problem”, how do we sit and see it and do nothing? Are you truly comfortable knowing what you now know and have seen happening to these kids, men, and women are not all being helped? Some say, “Well, I don’t have the skills to help or even be a part of something this big.

Well, you do, it’s all in what you make it. Having awareness and sharing your awareness with others and the local community is one way of standing up and fighting back. That is being a voice to the voiceless.  Another way of fighting back is supporting local organizations that go into these situations and help, they need funding and the support of local communities to let the victims know that they are not alone and there is hope. Fighting back isn’t always about getting physical or being loud, it is truly about having awareness of what is happening and taking action to help those in need even if you’re not personally the one to be alongside the victim. Action and awareness are key. 

There are many events in the local community that you can come alongside and support to show you care and are wanting to fight back with love and hope.  As a survivor myself, it gives me a fire and passion to be fearless and fight back. I didn’t have anyone or any hope to help me, but there are foundations that do care and are willing to help. Because out there, hope is fleeting, and many feel stuck in the situation or circumstances they are in. The only ones they hear are the ones telling them they are better off there and their lives are being threatened if they talk or leave.

I now work at a Stories Foundation, they came alongside me and cheered me on. They believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. There were many times I was struggling financially as a single mom, and they reached out to help. Now, years later I am working for them and going to school for criminal justice, something I could have never accomplished on my own without someone fighting for me and cheering me on.

I also am an advocate for other survivors. Truly my dreams are coming to fruition because of the Stories Foundation and the heart to fight for those that don’t have a voice. Because of foundations like this, I and many others out there can find hope again, start believing and dreaming again, and move forward in healing in confidence to go on. It truly brings me to tears when I look back on how far I have come and the love from the foundation and the people that have walked alongside me, it inspires this passive girl to be fearless and fight back and be a voice for the voiceless and help others be set free.

So, I encourage you to act and support a local organization that truly makes a difference in those things that make others uncomfortable. One bold step can inspire another to do the same.  Again, look at local events taking place and act. Your step of boldness is a step in fighting back for something that could forever change a life.  

So, in closing, remember we are not here to always make people comfortable, sometimes it takes us stepping out of our comfort zone to do something that will make a difference. Will it offend some people, well I hope it does. It’s offensive to see a society that is afraid of others sitting and doing nothing. So, take a stand and fight back for justice in a way that you can. It truly is that simple, yet very few do it. 

Tiffany Jacobsen

Tiffany Jacobsen is a single mother who grew up in the small town of Medford Wisconsin. She is a first time author and also public speaker. She has a passion for justice and raising awareness for domestic violence and trafficking as she has personally survived it herself. She is driven to be a voice to a voiceless, to encourage and empower women that have gone through and been through it. She truly believes that with God and people coming alongside those that are hurting can make a difference in the lives of those that are and have been affected. Her goal is to inspire and give hope to those that are hurting. She has a strong faith in God that she truly lives by, her desire is to be God’s heart, hands and feet in the community and be a voice of hope. She enjoys outdoors and spending time with her son. She uses what she has overcome to encourage others that they can overcome too. She loves to be a light in a dark world. She has a heart to serve. She believes that no matter what you go through, with God on side you can overcome and is truly passionate about making others see the fighter in themselves. God will always get the glory for the story. Willing to go to the frontlines to fight for justice. Truly believes if each person steps out in boldness in their faith, we can be world changers. Be HIS 💕 heart.


Tomorrow Is Never Promised


Red Sea Road