Culture Change as A Strategy to Fight Human Trafficking. 

I remember when we first came up with the name “Stories” to identify this idea we had of starting a nonprofit cafe to fight human trafficking. I was sitting with family around my parents dining room table, together we talked about how sharing stories could change things, my sister suggested we name our anti human trafficking venture that, and we did.


For almost 9 years this idea has clung on. Even when people didn’t understand how sharing story could be a pathway for anti trafficking work, I kept coming back to the importance of every person’s story and how if we would share story together, what beautiful change could take place. 

Today I receive more positive response and understanding when I share about Stories Foundation and Storyteller Cafe. People’s eyes light up, the idea that human trafficking and exploitation is something each of us can have a part in fighting against is becoming a more acceptable one in the communities I share with, and for this I am grateful for, and I am grateful we hung in there and kept sharing the message of Stories.

When we think about fighting human trafficking we really are looking at culture change as a strategy and sharing stories as a tool. In every community it is the individuals who make up the culture. This means you and I have influence over the culture we live in, we are either shaping culture or being shaped by culture and when it comes to human trafficking and the cultural norms that perpetuate and allow for trafficking and exploitation to exist and grow, our story and how we live it out can have a significant impact on the culture around us and therefore on the realities of human trafficking. 

So how can you be someone who changes culture today instead of being someone who is allowing culture to change you? This is what we are talking about in our Culture Change series on Facebook and this week specifically we chatted about how we can become people who see the vulnerabilities around us and go the extra few steps to create relationships and cover them. 

We all have power and influence in the places we already frequent in our day to day lives. We can be culture changers, in our individual ways, and when we come together to create new opportunity for awareness, community for survivors and those vulnerable and nonprofit support.

I am going to end with two questions: 

  1. What vulnerabilities do you see around you and where can you step in and begin to cover them through living your story generously? Either through your time, relational equity, or resources?

  2. Would you consider giving toward the build of Storyteller Cafe today? Together we can be culture changers, as individuals and as a community, but we need you and your story to join in the fight.

Almost 9 years of anti trafficking work, and I believe now, more than ever, you and I are the answers to changing a culture that allows for human trafficking to flourish. Will you join your story to ours? Choose to spread awareness, choose to give towards Storyteller Cafe, your story matters and together we create change.




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