Tiffany Jacobsen Tiffany Jacobsen

Stories: A Foundation the helps Survivors Grow through what they go through

I was at a point in my life where I was feeling truly lost and in the dark, I held on to this family secret for so long. Lost and alone I felt I had no purpose other than to be used and abused by people, for that is my life story.

Trafficked by my parents, I searched for love in all the wrong places, leading me to abusive relationships. I really had no hope for life or trust in humanity or myself at this point. I happened to meet a friend from church who prayed with me and spoke on Trafficking Awareness and how she educates the community, A secret I held on to for way too long and was afraid to speak on, my whole life I was to stay silent not only by them but also the people that had abused me.

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Tiffany Jacobsen Tiffany Jacobsen

Tomorrow Is Never Promised

We were born into this world with a purpose. But somewhere down the line we have forgotten the true importance of what living life really means. Are we filling our lives with purpose and design God had planted in our hearts since he brought us here on earth or we letting the world consume us? He said he knows you before he formed you in your mother's womb. We were born with purpose, HIS purpose.  

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Tiffany Jacobsen Tiffany Jacobsen

Something to Fight For

What are you willing to fight for? Do I mean a physical fight, absolutely not, I am talking about what brings you to a place where you are willing to fight for someone that is hurting or something that you know is wrong. What does it take for us to start getting out of our comfort zone and start fighting back?

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Tiffany Jacobsen Tiffany Jacobsen

Red Sea Road

Isn't that how it is? We get encouraged into a promise God has shown us. We are all prayed up and start taking those steps of faith. The first few weeks we are pumped up, and we continue on our journey. But then life circumstances happen. We face our Red Sea moment. All of our uncertainties of life come rushing in as big as the waves crashing in at us.

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Tiffany Jacobsen Tiffany Jacobsen

Are you uncomfortable yet?

This is a question I ask when I go to speak for trafficking awareness and domestic abuse issues. We live in a society that is comfortable staying silent or turning the other way, “it's not my issue” is their mindset. How long will this world be stuck in that mindset? Staying comfortable does not cause change, it is truly when we step out of the comfort zone and say I want to do something about this. Getting uncomfortable in a world that is oversensitive to making everyone else feel safe and not offending anyone is necessary if we want to see change. Will you find it in your heart to be uncomfortable, to stand up and be the voice that speaks out when everyone else wants to stay silent.

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