Connecting our stories

It has never been clearer that stories matter. As divisions grow and are expressed mainly on social media platforms, it seems that we have lost the ability to see the individual and listen to how each person’s unique story informs their perspective and option. The more we listen with an agenda to respond instead of listening to truly hear and understand the speaker the more angry and polarized we become.

At Stories Foundation we desire to create spaces where stories can be shared so that we can recognize our common humanity and have the hard conversations that will lead to change on all levels. This goal has led us to bring you the Connecting our Stories Podcast, where we seek to break down the barriers that exist around the issues of injustice, trafficking and exploitation.


For the first episode we brought two Executive Directors and dear friends together to chat about the power in each of our individual stories. In this episode of the Connecting Our Stories podcast Steph chats with Jenny Almquist, Executive Director of Fierce Freedom out of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Their conversation is a sweet reminder that when a few ordinary girls take small steps to fight for justice it matters and we hope that you leave encouraged in your journey towards justice too. Listen here or anywhere that podcasts are found.


Digging up Exploitation by the Root


I’m sorry - a starting place