be PART OF LASTING CHANGE against human trafficking
Human trafficking is a $150 billion industry worldwide, in every county in Minnesota human trafficking happens. The average age someone is first exploited is 14 years old.
Your Story Matters! Buy a bracelet and be a culture changer!
Your $15 goes towards opening Storyteller Cafe
This is a For the Community, By the Community campaign.
Grab your bracelet and share with your community today.
Storyteller Cafe will be a light counter acting the darkness of human trafficking, exploitation and sexual violence in the Twin Cities, MN.
Stories Foundation is an anti-human trafficking organization in Minnesota and we are working toward a break ground date this Spring for a giveback cafe. We need YOU to get there!
Storyteller Cafe will be a safe community where funds from food and boutique sales are generated to support anti-human trafficking work locally.
Your Story Matters Campaign